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Migraines: How can PT Help?

Are you experiencing pounding migraines? Have they come on suddenly or been around for years? Did you know that physical therapy can reduce the intensity and frequency of these migraines and help reduce the use of medication?

Often, we find multiple trigger points in the cervical muscles related to migraines. Trigger points feel like a knot in the muscle belly that can be caused by increased stress and repetitive microtrauma to the tissue. When there is a trigger point present in the muscle, the rest of the muscle tightens up and increase pull on the insertion.

Many of the cervical muscles attach or insert to different locations of the skull and act as “stress holder” muscles. The upper trapezius and levator scapulae muscles attach to our occipital bone on the posterior side of the head. When increased tension occurs in this area, migraine or headaches can occur.

A physical therapist can evaluate you to determine if you are a good candidate for physical therapy by performing hands-on soft tissue work, compare your range of motion to the normal ranges, and test your strength.

If you are a good candidate for physical therapy, you may receive soft tissue massage and have your trigger points, or high stressed areas of pain addressed. Some other treatment options are ASTYM to break up scar tissue, dry needling to reduce trigger point size, or a modality to control pain. You will also be given an individualized home exercise program that consists of stretches and strengthening exercises to address the problems found during the evaluation.

Content provided by Bethany Balzer, PTA

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