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At-Home Work Station

Are you currently working from home?

Your at-home work station may not be as suitable as your office work station was. Below are a few tips and tricks on how to set up a quality ergonomic work station at home to decrease fatigue and avoid positional injuries from prolonged sitting. 

  • Head should be level, facing forward and in line with the rest of your trunk 
  • Shoulders should be relaxed at your side, ideally with support under the elbows.  
  • Forearms, wrists and hands should be parallel to the floor and straight  
  • Your back should have appropriate lumbar support and your pelvis should sit level, meaning: no crossed legs, side sitting or sitting on feet or wallet.  
  • Hips and thighs should be well supported with a contoured seat and parallel to the floor.  
  • Keep knees at the same level of your hips and feet flat on the ground 
  • Monitor should be placed at least 20 inches away from the eyes and 10 degrees below the horizontal  

And be sure to get up and take stretch/movement breaks!  

Try to take a small walk at lunch too if your schedule permits. Benefits of walking include:  

  • Improved memory 
  • Boosts metabolism 
  • Keeps heart healthy  
  • Within 10 minutes can boost endorphins, clear the mind, and decrease stress and tension 
  • Improves blood pressure, balance and can help prevent falls 

If you are suffering from a positional injury due to your work station set up, come in and see us! We are happy to evaluate your mechanics and posture and provide relief.  

Written by Leslie Lawson, PT, DPT

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