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All Hail the Weekend Warrior

Want to reduce your risk of death by 15-30%, but only have time to ride your bike, Kayak, run a 5K or play sports on the weekend? Good news, recent studies have shown that exercising even as little as 1-2x/week can increase your cardiovascular fitness. Over the last few years, it has become more and more evident that your fitness level is a stronger indicator of your risk of death than your blood pressure or BMI. Before you strap on those running shoes, though, an article from the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy entitled “The Rise of the ‘Weekend Warrior’” recommends that middle-aged to older adults do a walking program for at least 12 weeks before progressively adding running.

In order to reduce your chance of ending up as a wounded weekend warrior, though, stretching is key to preventing injury. Dynamic stretches, stretching while moving, are great for before you exercise. Make sure to address the major muscle groups you will be using during your activity (ex. Hamstring, glutes, calves, hip flexors and quad for running). After your activity static stretches, stretches you hold for 20-30 seconds, are good for helping to build your flexibility in order to further reduce your risk of injury and pain. Unfamiliar with what stretches would be best for you? Let us help! We put on weekly Facebook Live events and would love to address your questions. We are here for you! The moral of the story? Make the most of your weekends!
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